Financial Reporting Services

USSE Financial Reporting Services (FRS) provides report preparation services to Oregon’s public universities to achieve efficiencies and benefits that are shared by participants.

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Preparation of Annual Financial Report

  • Maintain crosswalk from accounting data in University participant accounting system to financial statement captions in financial consolidating and reporting software application (application).
  • Load each participant data to application and verify completion with participant accounting system control totals.
  • Prepare and enter in application all required elimination, reclassification, and post-closing adjusting entries and provide to participant for review and submission to auditors.
  • Prepare Notes to the Financial Statements and provide note and supporting documentation to participant for review and submission to auditors.
  • Prepare first draft of Management Discussion and Analysis and provide to participant for review and final revisions.
  • Prepare first draft of Annual Financial Report and submit to participant for review and submission to auditors and State of Oregon as a discretely presented component unit.
  • Meet with university participant weekly after the close of period 14 to go over supporting documentation for journals, notes, and other items prepared by USSE FRS.
  • Provide summary files for each financial statement caption with adjusting entries layered in to each university participant.

Maintain knowledge of Accounting and Reporting standards

  • Attend training on new accounting and reporting standards.
  • Actively participate in annual National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) conferences that present new pronouncements released by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB).
  • Provide training for university participant staff as requested related to changes in accounting and reporting standards.
  • Prepare and provide to university participant draft memo to auditors describing understanding and implementation plan for new accounting and reporting standards.

Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA)

  • Prepare SEFA and go over with university participant.
  • Format SEFA for Annual A-133 Single Audit Report.
  • Provide final SEFA report and supporting documentation to university participant to submit to their auditors for the annual A-133 report and audit.

Facilitate audit procedures

  • Review the Provided by Client requested items with university participant and provide documentation as requested used to prepare the annual financial report.
  • Coordinate requested items prepared by USSE Treasury Operations and USSE Payroll.
  • Meet with university participant weekly to go over any additional audit requests.

IPEDS Financial Reporting

  • Prepare financial files for data entry to IPEDS reporting system

Optional Services

  • Preparation of short form Finance and Administrative rate proposals
  • Prepare Federal Form 990-T for Unrelated Business Income Tax
  • Capital Asset Accounting

Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB)
National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO)

University Shared Services Enterprise
University Plaza
1600 SW Western Blvd, Suite 130
Corvallis, OR 97333